Public procurement law

Public procurement law is becoming increasingly important. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness to check award procedures of the public sector. The need for public authorities to seek legal counselling is thus considerable. Meeting this need is one of our tasks. Legal advice for tendering requires not only knowledge of basic public […]

Mergers and acquisitions

We advise German and foreign enterprises as well as entrepreneurs during all phases of company transactions. Such counselling includes: Acquisition and sale of companies Joint ventures Structuring of transactions Confidentiality agreements Letters of intent Due diligence Negotiating contracts Management of contracts and documentation of transactions Merger control Settling post-transaction conflicts For international transactions, we cooperate […]

Government liability law

Regional bodies of all governmental levels and other public entities, associations and insurers for municipalities as well as public utility companies have been engaging our law firm for many years to represent them in ligation relating to issues of governmental liability, damage claims and general liability law.

Litigation / Arbitration

Our practice aims to find timely and cost-effective solutions for our clients on contentious disputes. In most cases, it is possible to settle these out of court. Should it be necessary, we act on behalf of our clients in court or before state authorities and, accordingly, in arbitration.

Healthcare law

For a long time we have helped physicians in creating the appropriate legal basis for their profession. We provide advice related to: Choice of an appropriate type of private practice Sale and purchase of clinics Preparation of contracts for the cooperation of physicians Employment law matters related to medical professionals Employment and cooperative contracts Admission to providing licenses by […]

Media law

We represent media-related businesses. We are involved in obtaining requisite licences. An essential part of our practice for media industry businesses is the structuring of collaborations. This includes assisting in the foundation of cooperative business as well as, for example the draft of marketing contracts.

Commercial and distribution law

Our clients span a diverse scope of industries and such are our tasks in this area of law. We draft supplier contracts and are involved in all aspects of sales structures, be it for sales representatives, licensed distributors or franchisees. We also specialise in advising on creating national and international joint ventures, in particular, involving […]

Corporate law

In the field of corporate law, we provide assistance, in particular with private company law, limited liability company law and stock corporation law, from the founding of a company to, as may be the case, a liquidation. This may include: Drafting and modification of corporate agreements Merger, demerger or change in the legal form of […]

Family and inheritance law

We represent our clients in family matters, in particular in court disputes involving divorce, alimony and child support. Furthermore, we assist with the drafting of pre-nuptial agreements, post-divorce agreements, guardianship powers of attorney or matters relating to the rights of guardianship. We guide our clients in inheritance law with regard to last wills, for example, […]

Construction and real estate law

We have a strong practice handling all aspects of construction and real estate law. Our counselling covers the entire life cycle of real estate – notably the acquisition of property, the conclusion of all fundamental contracts in order to realise a project, all necessary public permits, as well as leasing out, re-sale and other usages. […]

Banking and capital investment law

We advise financial institutions on bank regulatory issues and contracts for bank operations. We have substantial experience in settling out-of-court disputes between financial institutions and their customers, encompassing all facets of banking law, in particular, involving loan agreements and realising collateral. We counsel on prospectus liability and other disputes related to the purchase of capital […]

Employment law

We work for private and public companies, for managing directors, board members and employees in all areas of employment law, in particular with regard to In our work, we also take into account the links between employment law and tax law, social law and company law.

Bekanntmachung Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2

Seit Bekanntwerden des neuartigen Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2 beobachten wir ständig die Lage sowie die Empfehlungen der zuständigen Experten und Behörden. Wir sind vorbereitet, um auf neue Entwicklungen jederzeit mit den passenden Maßnahmen zu reagieren. Neben der Sicherstellung der Bearbeitung laufender Mandate und unserer Verfügbarkeit hat die Gesundheit unserer Mitarbeiter, Mandanten und Geschäftspartner sowie ihrer Familien oberste Priorität.

Zum Schutz dieser Gesundheit und aus Mitverantwortung für besonders gefährdete Mitbürger haben wir eine Reihe von Maßnahmen ergriffen. Externe und interne Meetings werden, sofern ein persönlicher Kontakt nicht absolut notwendig oder gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist, seit der Intensivierung der Lage auf Telefon- und Videokonferenzen verlegt. Größere Treffen finden derzeit überhaupt nicht statt. Reisen sind auf das absolut erforderliche Maß beschränkt. Unsere Hygienemaßnahmen sind umfassend. Die Intensität und Frequenz der Reinigungsvorgänge sind in den Büroräumlichkeiten stark erhöht.

Die Kontinuität und Qualität unserer Dienstleistung gewährleisten wir uneingeschränkt weiter. Ihre Partner und Anwälte sind wie gewohnt per E-Mail und Telefon für Sie erreichbar. Alle Juristen sind mit mobilen Arbeitsplätzen ausgestattet, dadurch grundsätzlich ortsunabhängig, und können ihrer Mandatsarbeit auch außerhalb des Büros weiter in vollem Umfang nachgehen.

Die zentrale Infrastruktur und das entsprechende Personal sind auf verschiedene Standorte, Schicht- und Heimarbeit verteilt, sodass die Unterstützung unserer Anwälte und damit ein reibungsloses Arbeiten ermöglicht werden. Insbesondere unsere IT-Systeme sind durch spezielle Maßnahmen für solche Krisensituationen gesichert.

Dass dennoch in diesen Zeiten unvorhergesehene Schwierigkeiten auftreten können, die Sie von uns grundsätzlich nicht gewohnt sind, wollen Sie bitte nachsehen. Wir wünschen Ihnen und uns, dass sich die Situation durch unseren gemeinsamen Beitrag zur Bekämpfung einer weiteren Ausbreitung des Virus bald wieder entspannt.
