LL.M. Tohoku-University / Sendai (Japan)
Commercial and corporate law specialist
- Corporate law
- M&A
- Commercial and distribution law
- Banking law
- Public procurement law
- Media law
- Banker
- Universities of Tübingen und Munich
- 1988 Admitted to the bar
- 1988 Krömer | Steger | Westhoff
- 1989 PhD, University of Tübingen
- 1992 Graduate degree, Tohoku-University of Sendai (Japan)
- 2006 Qualification as commercial and corporate law specialist
Foreign languages:
- English
- French
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- “Zu den Prinzipien der Privatautonomie im internationalen Rechtsanwendungsrecht” (1990)
- “Methodik und Interessenbewertung im japanischen internationalen Zuständigkeitsrecht” (1992)
- “Feindliche Übernahmen in Deutschland und Möglichkeiten ihrer Abwehr” (in Japanese, 1992)
- “Unternehmensmitbestimmung” in Anwaltshandbuch Arbeitsrecht (9th Edition 2015)
Other activities:
- Member of the Board of Advisors of Schmolz + Bickenbach GmbH & Co KG
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Westdeutsche Zeitung GmbH & Co KG
- Member of the Board of Examiners of Fond National de la Recherche du Luxembourg
- Association of German-Brazilian lawyers
- Association of German-Japanese lawyers
- Pre-examination committee of commercial and corporate law specialists of the bar association (Rechtsanwaltskammer) in Düsseldorf (chairperson)
Fon: +49 211 86488 0
Fax: +49 211 131952
Email: schaack@krstwe.de